Thursday, 23 October 2014

Sorry Cat Haters, Science Just Isn't On Your Side

"Some people just don't like cats. That's okay. Some people don't like pizza. Or dogs. Or Harry Potter. But some cat-haters aren't satisfied with not owning cats themselves. They need to drag the rest of us down with them.

The first thing you notice when you dig around in the seedy underworld of cat-bashing is that it's an old hobby. The haters have left their mark across poetry, literature, and art for centuries."

Friday, 27 June 2014

25 Things Only Cat Lovers Know

Our first list of Things Only Cat Lovers Know was what got us started here.  Our second list of Things Cat Lovers Know got a lot of response.  But there are always going to be things only cat lovers know!  So here, have our list of 25 Things Only Cat Lovers Know, combining your favourites with ones we bet you can relate to.

Cat Coffee Cup Twins
1- People just don't understand how you could possibly find it completely normal to step over a half-eaten carcass every day walking out your front door.

2- You either have a pack-a-day lint roller habit or you give up on buying black clothes completely.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Cat Posters

As you might imagine, an office like ours, which is full of cat lovers, is also full of cat posters.  In fact we probably have too many cat posters.  At Christmas time our secret Santa game is exclusively for people to find each other cute, obscure or unique cat posters.

Anyway, we thought maybe you guys would be interested in our favorite cat posters!

Bathroom Cats IV

Monday, 9 June 2014

Five Famous Cat Owners

Marie Antoinette
1- Marie Antoinette
Most famous for "let them eat cake," Marie Antoinette was known to have her beloved snow-white Angora cats roaming about her palace.  You better believe they ate better than the peasants.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Ten MORE Things Only Cat Lovers Know!

Due to the popularity of Ten Things Only Cat Lovers Know we couldn't resist revisiting the topic with Ten MORE Things Only Cat Lovers Know!

Renoir: Woman With A Cat

1- Watching your cat play in a paper bag while the $60 worth of hypoallergenic, organic cat-nip kitty toys you just bought sits untouched in the corner.

2- Changing the words of hit songs to be about your cat and then serenading them is so common to you that you've started doing it even when your cat isn't around.

3- It took three hours of tears, scratches, and broken trust to get your cat into the cat carrier to go to the vet, but every morning the next week you wake up to find him sleeping in it.

4- Sitting on the floor to read because your cat got to the comfy chair first.

Fifteen Fun Cat Facts

Our first list of Fun Cat Facts was a lot of fun.  Our second list of More Fun Cat Facts got a lot of response.  But a lot of people were asking "Why such short lists?"  With that in mind, here is a list of Fifteen Fun Cat Facts combining your favourite cat facts and ones you might not have known!

1- A cat's ability to find its way home is called “psi-traveling.” Experts have two theories as to how cats can manage this feat. The first is that cats use the angle of the sunlight to find their way and the second is that cats have magnetized cells in their brains that act as compasses.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

The Safest Ways To Treat A Cat

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, our furry little friends get sick.  It's a heartbreaking time for all of us, because they are in such distress but can't tell us what to do to make them feel better.  Rather than pumping them full of chemicals, though, we personally believe in taking a more natural approach to the healthcare of our pets.

Get Well Soon, Sick Cat
Step One: Identifying how Serious the Problem Is
We can't help if we don't know what the issue is, and unfortunately our babies can't speak to us to let us know.  That is why we like to use this handy dandy Cat Health A-Z Index.  This way, we can find out the issue, and decide what our next step should be.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Five Cats With Jobs

1- "Stubbs" has been the Mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska for 17 years.  No word on if he ran on a platform of subsidies for catnip farmers and heavy taxes on dog licenses.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Five MORE Fun Cat Facts!

We had a lot of fun with our first instalment of Fun Cat Facts, so we thought we would pop back in with Five MORE Fun Cat Facts!

1- A house cat can jump up to five times it's own height in a single bound.  If humans could do this, it would mean the average man could jump nearly 29 feet from a standing position!

Five Great Quotes About Cats

Famous cat lover Mark Twain, photographed above with one of his many cats, has a lot of quotes about our feline companions

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Five Fun Cat Facts

1- Female cats tend to be right-pawed, while male cats tend to be left-pawed.

2- A house cat's top speed on land is 39 mph (or 49 km/h).

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Ten Things Only Cat Lovers Know

1- When you have guests you can always spot the one with the cat allergy because it always happens to be the only guest your cat is interested in meeting.

2- The morning you wake up and decide you can FINALLY throw out that old cat toy that has been sitting untouched under the sofa for 6 months is the morning you wake up to discover your cat playing with it again.

3- If you find a human hair in your food at a restaurant you send it back and write a scathing review on Yelp, but you can't understand why your dinner guests are so squeamish about a little cat hair in their entree!

4- Sleeping with your cat in your bed is all fun and games… until it decides your foot is prey.

5- You strained your hip flexor standing up from the couch trying not to wake your sleeping cat.