3- If you find a human hair in your food at a restaurant you send it back and write a scathing review on Yelp, but you can't understand why your dinner guests are so squeamish about a little cat hair in their entree!
4- Sleeping with your cat in your bed is all fun and games… until it decides your foot is prey.
5- You strained your hip flexor standing up from the couch trying not to wake your sleeping cat.
6- Scrolling past 40 pictures taken from different angles with different filters of that time your cat was sprawled in the patch of sunshine on the floor before getting to the one of your significant other.
7- You're being buried in a city 300 miles away that you've never visited because it's the only one that let you buy a human/pet joint burial plot.
9- Why are you rejecting my affection today? Don't you know I'm the one who feeds you? WHY WON'T YOU LET ME PET YOU?
10- You have to make a fake YouTube account for when friends are looking over your shoulder because your real one is so full of cat videos and cat video recommendations that even you know it's too much.
What other things do only cat lovers know? Head over to Twitter and send us a tweet to let us know!
Piture of cat toy by Patricia from Pendleton, SC, USA via Wikimedia Commons
What other things do only cat lovers know? Head over to Twitter and send us a tweet to let us know!
Piture of cat toy by Patricia from Pendleton, SC, USA via Wikimedia Commons
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