Step One: Identifying how Serious the Problem Is
We can't help if we don't know what the issue is, and unfortunately our babies can't speak to us to let us know. That is why we like to use this handy dandy Cat Health A-Z Index. This way, we can find out the issue, and decide what our next step should be.Step Two: To Vet or Not to Vet?
If you have identified the problem in the Cat Health A-Z Index, then it will tell you just how serious the issue is. If it is something that only a vet can fix, then you MUST rush to your vet immediately. We do not endorse home remedying something in the face of overwhelming scientific knowledge.
However, if it is something that you can treat from home, we DO recommend eschewing the nasty chemicals and the stress of crating and driving to the vet for the good of your cat.
Step Three: Find the Product that's Right for Your Cat
Once you've identified the ailment, next you must find the proper treatment. If you aren't sure where to start, ask an expert! There are a lot of resources out there for specific advice on your needs. Do NOT just do a web search for the problem, though, as there is a lot of false and dangerous information out there. It is best to ask someone who you can tell your specific case to.
Step Four: Shop Around
I'm not suggesting you skimp when it comes to the health of your cat, but if you're like me your bargain shopper instinct is a hard one to quell. I recently stocked up on Feli-Safe (pictured on the left) because it's an amazing ALL NATURAL remedy for upset kitty tummies and it's more than 22% off right now.
Again, though, I am not saying to go cheap on your cat. When I was a kid my dad went cheap on dollar-store cat treats for our beloved cat and she died from them. But if you can get something good on sale, then go for it!
Step Five: Make Your Cat Feel Comfortable
Sometimes cats, like humans, experience pain that will eventually go away on its own. Whether its arthritis in an older kitty or a sore paw from a thorn, a little pain relief while nature takes its course in healing will go a long way! Just make sure it's natural, like what a cat might find in nature. Don't just chuck tylenol down it's throat!
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