1- Marie Antoinette
Most famous for "let them eat cake," Marie Antoinette was known to have her beloved snow-white Angora cats roaming about her palace. You better believe they ate better than the peasants.
2- Winston Churchill
One has to imagine that cat ownership contributed to his optimistic outlook on life.
Owns a cat named Chico, who is black-and-white domestic short hair. During his time as Pope, Chico continued to live at the Pope's home in Germany because cats weren't allowed in his Papal quarters. A lot of people speculate that his resignation as Pope was due to his pining for his cat. Cardinal Roger Mahony, archbishop of Los Angeles, once said “The talk that the pope loves cats is incorrect. The pope adores cats.”
4- Mark Twain
A source of some of the best and most famous quotes about cats, Mark Twain made no secret about the fact that cats were one of his life's great loves.
5- King Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette's husband wasn't just indulging his wife by buying her those gorgeous Angora cats. He loved them just as much as she did, and had custom-built down-filled beds with silk sheets built for them.
"Welcome to the Vatican, Your Holiness. I am afraid, however, that your cat is not permitted in the Papal residence."
ReplyDelete"I see. Now tell me something, my boy. Which one of us has the word Pope in front of his name?"
DeleteOn the bright side, apparently there are many cats roaming the grounds of where he currently lives (http://www.wausaudailyherald.com/usatoday/article/1957295) so he will have lots of feline companionship now. I just hope he was allowed to take Chico with him.