Our first list of Things Only Cat Lovers Know was what got us started here. Our second list of Things Cat Lovers Know got a lot of response. But there are always going to be things only cat lovers know! So here, have our list of 25 Things Only Cat Lovers Know, combining your favourites with ones we bet you can relate to.
1- People just don't understand how you could possibly find it completely normal to step over a half-eaten carcass every day walking out your front door.
2- You either have a pack-a-day lint roller habit or you give up on buying black clothes completely.
3- You can watch a movie where 10,000 people are killed without flinching, but if they even HINT at hurting a cat you're walking out.
4- Your cat can spot and stalk a fruit fly from 30 yards, but can't see the piece of tuna you just dropped until you nudge it with your toe for the 15th time.
5- The anxiety in that split second before you discern whether that's a dead mouse or a mouse toy.
6- When you have guests you can always spot the one with the cat allergy because it always happens to be the only guest your cat is interested in meeting.
7- Why are you rejecting my affection today? Don't you know I'm the one who feeds you? WHY WON'T YOU LET ME PET YOU?
8- The morning you wake up and decide you can FINALLY throw out that old cat toy that has been sitting untouched under the sofa for 6 months is the morning you wake up to discover your cat playing with it again.
9- Watching your cat play in a paper bag while the $60 worth of hypoallergenic, organic cat-nip kitty toys you just bought sits untouched in the corner.
11- Changing the words of hit songs to be about your cat and then serenading them is so common to you that you've started doing it even when your cat isn't around.
12- Sleeping with your cat in your bed is all fun and games… until it decides your foot is prey.
13- It took three hours of tears, scratches, and broken trust to get your cat into the cat carrier to go to the vet, but every morning the next week you wake up to find him sleeping in it.
14- You're being buried in a city 300 miles away that you've never visited because it's the only one that let you buy a human/pet joint burial plot.
15- Your cat gets the free-range-grass-fed-gluten-free-hormone-free-wild-organic cat food. Your kids get Spam.
16- You strained your hip flexor standing up from the couch trying not to wake your sleeping cat.
17- Sitting on the floor to read because your cat got to the comfy chair first.
18- Scrolling past 40 pictures taken from different angles with different filters of that time your cat was sprawled in the patch of sunshine on the floor before getting to the one of your significant other.
19- People say it's your imagination, but you KNOW your cat is acting cold because he still hasn't forgiven you for stepping on his tail last week.
20- The bottom branches of the Christmas Tree are OFF LIMITS for decoration.
21- Facetiming your cat when you're out of town.
22- You have to make a fake YouTube account for when friends are looking over your shoulder because your real one is so full of cat videos and cat video recommendations that even you know it's too much.
23- The patronizing looks you get whenever you talk to your cat then answer yourself back in a different voice (that everyone now recognizes as "your cat's voice").
24- Hearing a cat screech outside at 3am and running out in your underwear willing to fight every raccoon on the planet.
25- The walk of shame past your cat's judging eyes in the hall after doing something naughty in the bedroom.
What other things do only cat lovers know? Head over to Twitter and send us a tweet to let us know!
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