Tuesday 3 June 2014

Five Cats With Jobs

1- "Stubbs" has been the Mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska for 17 years.  No word on if he ran on a platform of subsidies for catnip farmers and heavy taxes on dog licenses.

2- When an 8 year old dog in Wales named "Terfel" went blind from cataracts, a stray cat named "Pwditat" wandered into the home and began coaxing the sightless dog around the house.  Pwditat the cat now lives with Terfel full-time as his seeing eye cat!
Matilda, Resident Feline of the Algonquin Hotel of New York City
3- The Algonquin Hotel in New York City has employed a cat "hostess" since the 1930s.  The current cat hostess is named Matilda (pictured on left), and it is the job of the cat hostess to roam the halls hunting mice, greet people at the front desk, and provide company for those feeling a little homesick for their beloved cats.

Sneaky Cat

4- Cats are now widely being used as therapy animals, being given to children with autism as a way to help them with their condition.

5- In the 1960s the CIA attempted to turn cats into spies in an initiative named "Operation Acoustic Kitty." 

What other cats with jobs have you heard of?  Head over to Twitter and send us a tweet to let us know!

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